Pony for sale

Your next best friend Awatea Lyric- safe and competitive


9 years old.


Pony Club, Show Jumping.


55 Inches | 139.7 Centimeters | 13.3 Hands


Stationbred, Welsh.


NZD 5000




Auckland, New Zealand

Listing ID:




Awatea Lyric

This pony has personality plus! Always there to greet you at the gate with a whinny. Very friendly and inquisitive. Polite ground manners and easy to lead up from the paddock. Easy to catch, tack up, float, shoe, clip and perfect for the vet/dentist etc

Has been ridden by both my daughters ranging in age from 8 to 12. Mostly ridden by my 12 year old who has been working with her for a couple of years. She was a great confidence builder and my daughter has now moved up the heights and onto a new pony.

Currently mostly doing show jumping up to 90cms but has gone higher with her previous owner. Rarely comes home without a ribbon and knows her job in a jump off. She is a gutsy pony with no spook and will be someone’s new best friend. Best suited as a second pony for a confident kid

Great to forest ride, beach ride, group lessons or individual she really has done it all. Good flat work and this is we’re if you put the work in she will really respond to her rider.

Recent results at Woodhill Sands 23/02
1st 70cms
1st 85cms

Currently wearing front shoes
Needs weight management, lives on the smell of an oily rag type.
Has full transferable insurance