Humans n Horses™

An iSpyHorses' user has submitted this photo of her 'One in a Million' horse.
"This is me and my pony Howie. I have had him for 10 months and in that time, my amazing instructors and I have taught him how to jump and he now does show hunter and is very good at it! This is us at the Showtym Auckland camp. This was the biggest cross country jump Howie and I have ever jumped and after I jumped it I couldn't stop smiling! Howie is truly one and a million and I love him more than anything."
© iSpyHorses 2016
Submit a picture of you and your 'One in a Million' horse or pony to win $100 Stirrups Equestrian voucher. View details at

An iSpyHorses' user has submitted this photo of her 'One in a Million' horse.
"This is my miniature Raine. She is only a yearling and was brought for my mum, and I am lucky to show her for mum. She has the best nature and she has talent. She is very laid back and never far away if you're in the paddock! She loves attention and is always in your face but never nasty. Such an amazing little horse. This is her at the fourth show we took her to and she got supreme champion miniature horse! She has come such a long way and I'm very grateful that mum brought her and allows me to show this beautiful little madam."
© iSpyHorses 2016
Submit a picture of you and your 'One in a Million' horse or pony to win $100 Stirrups Equestrian voucher. View details at

An iSpyHorses' user has submitted this photo of her 'One in a Million' horse.
"My 'one in a million horse' would have to be my pony who I have just recently sold called pal (Platinum Gold). He has been the most amazing pony for me and has taught me so much. From being a pony that bucked and reared to having small children going double clear in 90cm on him, I can't believe how far we have come together and although I don't own him anymore he will always be my one and a million pony !!! He is loved by everyone who meets him and always gets complimented at shows and I am so grateful to have found him a great home where he is getting the best out of his new rider because he really is one in a million."
© iSpyHorses 2016
Submit a picture of you and your 'One in a Million' horse or pony to win $100 Stirrups Equestrian voucher. View details at

An iSpyHorses' user has submitted this photo of her 'One in a Million' horse.
"This is my one in a million horse (or pony in this case). I have had Tommi since he was a 5 y/o and soon it will have been that I have owned him. It's not usually a wise idea to buy a 5 year old pony for a near complete beginner but almost years from when I first laid eyes on him he has taught me everything to know about horses, and life in general. I never ever thought that an animal could have such a impact on my life, and in all honestly Tommi has made me the person I am today.
He always tries 100% ; no matter what the task is or how much effort it requires he always put in more than is needed. In 2 seasons of eventing together we have gone from no eventing ever to double clear at out first pre novice, and in 3 seasons of showjumping we have gone from cross poles to 1.10m with wins and placings!! Sadly the upcoming season is my last on ponies and I will be sure to make the most of him while it lasts."
© iSpyHorses 2016
Submit a picture of you and your 'One in a Million' horse or pony to win $100 Stirrups Equestrian voucher. View details at

An iSpyHorses' user has submitted this photo of her 'One in a Million' horse.
"This is my one in a million horse (or pony in this case). I have had Tommi since he was a 5 y/o and soon it will have been that I have owned him. It's not usually a wise idea to buy a 5 year old pony for a near complete beginner but almost years from when I first laid eyes on him he has taught me everything to know about horses, and life in general. I never ever thought that an animal could have such a impact on my life, and in all honestly Tommi has made me the person I am today.
He always tries 100% ; no matter what the task is or how much effort it requires he always put in more than is needed. In 2 seasons of eventing together we have gone from no eventing ever to double clear at out first pre novice, and in 3 seasons of showjumping we have gone from cross poles to 1.10m with wins and placings!! Sadly the upcoming season is my last on ponies and I will be sure to make the most of him while it lasts."
© iSpyHorses 2016
Submit a picture of you and your 'One in a Million' horse or pony to win $100 Stirrups Equestrian voucher. View details at

An iSpyHorses' user has submitted this photo of her 'One in a Million' horse.
"This is my amazing pony and best friend Dennis. Together we have gone from green level one tests to level 2 at HOY and now competing level 3.
He has taught me so much over the short time I have had him. He tries his very best for me and always wants to please. The memories I have had with him will last a lifetime. He is my best friend and I don’t know what I would do without him."
© iSpyHorses 2016
Submit a picture of you and your 'One in a Million' horse or pony to win $100 Stirrups Equestrian voucher. View details at

An iSpyHorses' user has submitted this photo of her 'One in a Million' horse.
"Smurf is my one in a million pony. He tries his hardest at everything. No matter what type of jump or height of jump that we are faced with he will always give it 110%. He may not have the longest legs in the ring but he has the biggest heart and will always take care of me or any rider especially when I completely forget what do at the last second before a jump. Although he can push my buttons at times, make me work extra hard and challenge me every time we train, I know that when it comes to getting in the ring and competing he will put his best foot forward and try his hardest! He knows that no matter what has happened in training or at home, when it come to competitions he is there to do his job and come home with a placing. I would not be the rider I am today if I didn't have him. He brought my confidence up and has taken me to NISJ champs for four years. I wouldn't be half the rider I am today if it wasn't for this guy".
© iSpyHorses 2016
Submit a picture of you and your 'One in a Million' horse or pony to win $100 Stirrups Equestrian voucher. View details at

An iSpyHorses' user has submitted this photo of her 'One in a Million' horse.
"This is my miniature horse Fin. I got him 4 years ago, starting out as a complete novice. He is everything I ever wanted, the most laid back loving wee guy ever! He has helped me to learn how to show and absolutely loves it! This is a picture of us during the first show season where we won our first wide ribbon ( champion and supreme ) I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face for days! I am so grateful to have him in my life and to have him to lead the way! He's my best friend and I love him very much."
© iSpyHorses 2016
Submit a picture of you and your 'One in a Million' horse or pony to win $100 Stirrups Equestrian voucher. View details at

An iSpyHorses' user has submitted this photo of her 'One in a Million' horse.
"Our pony Joe is definitely hands down a one in a million pony. After teaching many kids how to ride, being an all round go to pony and then taking me to many shows and coming home with endless amounts of ribbons and prizes, this pony is not one that could be replaced. After sadly losing him in 2012 to cancer it has been hard to even think about replacing him. In fact no pony or horse will ever come near to being as close to me as this pony did. We were only born a month and 10 days apart, and were together until the end. He was my first pony and by far the best I will ever have the chance to call my own. Joe was and still is a one in a million pony. Rest in peace little man xx love Morgan xx"
© iSpyHorses 2016
Submit a picture of you and your 'One in a Million' horse or pony to win $100 Stirrups Equestrian voucher. View details at

An iSpyHorses' user has submitted this photo of her 'One in a Million' horse.
"Introducing my one in a million horse, Philka. Philka is the best thing that has ever happened to me. All my life I wanted a horse. I struggled with school and went through a lot and just wasn't happy. As soon as we bought Philka everything was okay again! She has this knack of making everybody around her happy. I let my friends who otherwise can't ride due to money etc , ride her and she seriously makes them so happy💗 I trust this horse with my whole life. She's 100% bombproof and will jump anything you point her at with no vices. I ride her 100% tackless, bitless and bare back and can do anything one would do with tack. She's also done up to open eventing ( pretty amazing ) All I know is that I will never sell this horse. This horse is my best friend and my whole world and the reason for my entire happiness 💕"
© iSpyHorses 2016
Submit a picture of you and your 'One in a Million' horse or pony to win $100 Stirrups Equestrian voucher. View details at

An iSpyHorses' user has submitted this photo of her 'One in a Million' horse.
"This is my one in a million pony Bennie. He's 23 but thinks that he's 4. I've had him for just over a year and he's given me a passion for jumping. I had always been a nervous rider when it came to jumping, but Bennie changed that. He gave me the confidence that I lacked and not long after having him, I was racing around courses of jumps with no fear. Bennie has now made me the confident and adventurous rider I had always aspired to be. He has been with me through the thick and the thin of times, but that has only made our bond stronger."
© iSpyHorses 2016
Submit a picture of you and your 'One in a Million' horse or pony to win $100 Stirrups Equestrian voucher. View details at

An iSpyHorses' user has submitted this photo of her 'One in a Million' horse.
"This is my one in a million horse. His name is Jasper and hes 28 years old and still going strong!! He's one in a million because of his great attitude, funny quirks and for being an awesome guy! His quirks are destroying every single cover in sight including the one that he isn't wearing and even the ripstop ones don't stand a chance. Also when you go to get on him, he likes to grab your clothes and pull you back off but he will never hurt you. He will jump anything you point him at without a second glance. I still take him for hoons up the hills and he loves every second of it! He truly is a one in a million horse and you will never find another horse quite like Sir Jasper."
© iSpyHorses 2016
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An iSpyHorses' user has submitted this photo of her 'One in a Million' horse.
"Loki is my one in a million because he's my first horse and we have learnt so much together. We trust each other so much, he is the most willing horse i have ever met. Not to mention I love him to bits!"
© iSpyHorses 2016
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An iSpyHorses' user has submitted this photo of her 'One in a Million' horse.
"Coco has been a part of our family for ten years, he's 30 years young and a stout 9 hands. He's a sassy, cheeky and snugly pony. In his later years he's taken to opening gates, eating everything and showing his bigger paddock mates who's boss! He's not just our pony he's our best friend".
© iSpyHorses 2016
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An iSpyHorses' user has submitted this photo of her 'One in a Million' horse.
"Rubin, the Diamond in the rough. My best friend Rubin has a heart of gold, he tries so hard and just wants to please people. When I purchased him he didn't have the best track record, but I found something he loves and that has made us the best team. Together he has gone from a green jumper to a 3* eventer over the past three years, teaching each other along the way a few lessons. He is truly one in a million and I couldn't ask for a better friend".
© iSpyHorses 2016
Submit a picture of you and your 'One in a Million' horse or pony to win $100 Stirrups Equestrian voucher. View details at

An iSpyHorses' user has submitted this photo of her 'One in a Million' horse.
"Our pony Joe is definitely hands down a one in a million pony. After teaching many kids how to ride, being an all round go to pony and then taking me to many shows and coming home with endless amounts of ribbons and prizes, this pony is not one that could be replaced. After sadly losing him in 2012 to cancer it has been hard to even think about replacing him. In fact no pony or horse will ever come near to being as close to me as this pony did. We were only born a month and 10 days apart, and were together until the end. He was my first pony and by far the best I will ever have the chance to call my own. Joe was and still is a one in a million pony. Rest in peace little man xx love Morgan xx"
© iSpyHorses 2016
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An iSpyHorses' user has submitted this photo of her 'One in a Million' horse.
"Rodgie, known as dodgy rodgie because of his quirkiness. He was the most affectionate, handsome horse we know. He was also a cross country machine, it was his passion, he jumped everything with room to spare. He recently had a fatal paddock accident a week after pony club eventing champs where he had just had his best event ever, making it around the hardest cross country course we had ever faced, after the best dressage test he had ever done. He has left a massive hole in my families heart, he was truly one in a million".
© iSpyHorses 2016
Submit a picture of you and your 'One in a Million' horse or pony to win $100 Stirrups Equestrian voucher. View details at

An iSpyHorses' user has submitted this photo of her 'One in a Million' horse.
"He taught me to love dressage, and even though he's retired now he will always be my sounding board."
© iSpyHorses 2016
Submit a picture of you and your 'One in a Million' horse or pony to win $100 Stirrups Equestrian voucher. View details at

An iSpyHorses' user has submitted this photo of her 'One in a Million' horse.
"Maple is an ambitious mare that has a heart of gold. She puts her all into everything and is extremely special to my family. She has been by my side through the toughest of times and I feel a connection to my mum through her. She has given me drive and hope in life, and I feel extremely blessed to have such an amazing horse; truly one in a million."
© iSpyHorses 2016
Submit a picture of you and your 'One in a Million' horse or pony to win $100 Stirrups Equestrian voucher. View details at