Humans n Horses™

"Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing dad."
Photo copyright to

"Lucky me! My farrier has great horse scents."
Photo Credit and Copyright Hanah Comrie
(Ledbury, UK)

Humans n Horses ™
A rural NZ winter morning, and the farrier had these wise words, “It’s a perfect still day for the horses. They need a bit of a chill day after no sleep with all the bad weather we’ve had. There’ll be a few on the ground sleeping today to try to catch up!”
Photo copyright to
(Auckland, New Zealand)

"I love school holidays because its sunny and warm and Mum's got time to ride with me down to the river for splashing and paddling!"
Photo copyright to
(Auckland, New Zealand)

"Whenever I would wonder whether I was doing the right thing, my mother would tell me, “Ask yourself if you are doing it with a good heart. If you are, do it. You’ll know your motivations were kind and selfless, and that’s what matters.”
Photo credit & copyright Sophie Simson Photography

Sisters, Bridget (24) and Penny (15) Thackwray, are pictured here using Penny's pony, Kiara, to have fun at Mahinepua Beach. While Bridget has wakeboarded for years and Penny has ridden for years, this was the first time they combined their sports. Kiara, is a pony broken in and trained by Penny, who buys ponies and schools them then sells them for a profit. But Kiara is her favourite and too special to sell.
"Both of us couldn't stop laughing when I got up," Bridget said. "We didn't expect it to happen really. Kiara gallops at just the right speed and we managed to make it all happen on our first attempt. The beach soon started to fill up with people watching!"
Bridgetthackwray photo credit

"Makes interesting reading these results from Waihora!"
Pictured Yasmin De Groot and her mare Teena.
Photo credit & copyright Sophie Simson Photography