Horse for sale
Stunning Eventer/Showjumper
Eventing, Show Jumping.
66.14 Inches | 168 Centimeters | 16.2 Hands
Canterbury, New Zealand
Chamonix (Charlie)
168cm, 7yo, TB Mare by Highly Recommended
Charlie is currently eventing 95cm with a breeze and finishing double clear. More than capable of moving up the levels.
She has Show jumped to 1.10.
Charlie is a very kind ride with a soft sensitive mouth and is very responsive and adjustable. Charlie is very nice on the flat and is a super quick learner.
Charlie is great to float/truck alone or in company, clip, dental work, farrier etc, she’s a pleasure to handle in every way.
No buck, rear, bolt.
Experienced home only, I think a lot about this horse and I want her to have a competitive home as she loves being out there and doing it.
Motivated to sell as I leave the country on the 16th December